Friday, March 09, 2007

18 Years

It was 18 years ago today that Darryl James Watts, my dad, died unexpectedly at the age of 47, from an aneurism. The night before, he called me to say he'd just applied for a job as a morgue attendent. Within 24 hours he was lying in one.

I turn 40 this year. It's hard to believe that I was only 21 when he died. It's harder still to believe that in a few more years I'll have outlived my old man. I still don't feel grown up, let alone almost equal to him in age.

He had a long black beard tinged with grey, a pot belly and a deep voice. At Teachers' College in the early 1960s, where he met my mum, he affected thick black-framed glasses because he thought they would help the working-class boy from Thornbury look more intellectual. Back then, driving across to St Kilda and learning to eat pasta and drink red wine was one of the most bohemian things you could do in Melbourne, according to my mum.

Her legs - dangling from the window of a train carriage on a group trip to Ayers Rock - were what first attracted him to her.

Oddly enough, I've never asked my mum what it was that first attracted her to dad. I think it's time to call her and find out.

I miss you, dad. I always will.


Evol Kween said...

While I haven't experienced the early and unexpected departure of a parent myself, my partner lost his mum to a sudden stroke when he was in his early twenties. It would feel very weird to reach an older age than my parents.

FireHorse said...

I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sure your dad would be very proud of what you have achieved so far. I understand as I lost my mum in January. I only received a copy of her will today which made it more real again as does writing this. Take care mate.

Anonymous said...

This put a lump in my throat, I look forward to hearing your mum's response.

Anonymous said...

that was a really nice and heartfelt post Mr Watts, very touching.

Melly` said...

Beautiful post.

Christopher Miles said...

Lovely post. This is my first visit to your blog. The timing is very weird: this week marks one year since my dad died. Very strange that I should have stumbled across this post. Glad I did :)